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SOCIETY Communities and Secure Messenger 2.0.21-release-2.0.21
SOCIETY is a Community app with built-in end-to-end encryptedprivate messaging. Use SOCIETY to create a fun and expressive placewhere you can hang out with your friends online - without giving upyour digital rights and liberty. SOCIETY doesn’t invade yourprivacy or harvest your data like other social media apps, so youcan feel good about expressing yourself in SOCIETY Communities.Plus SOCIETY has a state-of-the-art encrypted messenger built infor secure private chat. SOCIETY private chats are a securealternative to traditional text messaging and SMS, allowing you tomake sure no one is reading your chats who isn’t allowed to seethem. SOCIETY messages cannot be forwarded to unwanted parties, orscreen captured and shared against your will*. You can delete amessage or conversation and it is removed from all phones that yousent the message, including images, gone forever. SOCIETY usescloudless, smartphone-to-smartphone technologies with multiplelayers of sophisticated Artificial Intelligence to ensure yourmessages are always secure, and to also create a Community spacewithout censorship. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee permonth**, your SOCIETY subscription helps you maintain your digitalsecurity, freedom, and privacy. Everyone is welcome on SOCIETY -the better social media network! Join today! KEY FEATURES CREATECOMMUNITIES OF INTEREST: Hang out with your friends, family andcolleagues and talk about your favorite interests - without givingup your digital freedom. SECURE: SOCIETY has the world’s mostsecure private chat built in. Using state-of-the-art encryption,SOCIETY keeps your chat messages secure at rest on your phone,while they’re in flight across the internet, and on the phones yousend them to. SOCIETY also uses sophisticated layered AI systems tohelp keep your data private and secure. OWN YOUR CONTENT: OnSOCIETY you own your data.’re in the driver’s seat. That means youhave the power to edit and delete sent messages at all times on allphones, prevent forwarding of your chats to unwanted people, andyou control who sees your content. NO SPAM, NO DATA-MINING, NOSPYWARE: SOCIETY has an honest, transparent business model, so wedon’t have to use invasive spyware to harvest and sell your datafor profit, or spam you with ads. DECENTRALIZED AND CLOUDLESS: Yourmessages are never stored in the cloud and only exist on your phoneand the phones where you send them. This is not only more securethan traditional Cloud infrastructure, but also virtuallyimpossible to deplatform. EPHEMERAL MESSAGING AND ZEROIZATION: Notall messages should live forever - in fact, sometimes they canbecome a liability. On SOCIETY, private messages have a finite lifecycle, and if you feel the need, you can Zeroize your profile,removing all public and private content you have ever sent. *Screencapture prevention only available on Android OS. Apple and iOSdisallow SOCIETY from preventing screen capture, but SOCIETY doesprovide a feature to let you know when a user takes a screencapture along with their identity. **Cost of subscription is $1.99USD, but localized to your local currency.
KeyP Custom Keyboard 0.1.2
KeyP protects your keystrokes from unwanted spying by apps on yourphone